Sunday 6 February 2011

Diary of a Benefit Scrounger

Sue Marsh writes with incredible humanity, compassion and dignity about the issues affecting disabled people and those who are reliant on benefits or NHS services.  These qualities shine through the brilliant writing on her Diary of a Benefit Scrounger blog which has gone to 23rd political blog in the country (Wikio ranking).  Friends, fellow activists and bloggers have helped to spread the word.
Sue writes about her own experience as someone who has Crohns, at times from a hospital bed, and does not hold back with all of the details, good, bad and gory moments about how her experiences have effected her and her family life.  But Sue goes much further than this, writing to raise awareness of the consequences of the proposed reforms to disability benefits and restructuring of the NHS to a much wider audience.

Sue gives a voice to those who are not well represented by the main stream meda, her work has appeared in the Guardian:
18/01/11: Disabled protesters one month before heartbreak
09/12/10: NHS hospital wards care system
26/11/10: Pain long term drug addiction

Her words also features in top left wing blogs: Left Foot Forwards, Labour List and Liberal Conspiracy.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

There is an Alternative

Trades Union Congress have produced brilliant leaflets entitled Myth-Buster and Cuts Are Not The Cure exposing the myths about government debt, explaining why rapid cuts are the wrong course of action and spelling out an alternative strategy.  Both are available from the TUC All Together website.

Why not share them with your family and friends?  You may like to participate on the March for the Alternative or add your experiences of the cuts on the False Economy website.